Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Library 2.0- the blogger within

Bloggin in the evenin just about supper time,
Bloggin by the courthouse they're starting to unwind.
Four kids on the corner trying to send you blogs.
Willy picks a blog out and he blogs it on the harp.

Down on the corner, out in the street,Willy and the poorboys are blogging;Bring a keyboard; tap your keys.

Rooster hits the keyboard and people just got to smile,
Blinky, thumps the gut bass and bologs for a while.
Poorboy blogs the rhythm out on his kalamazoo.
Willy goes into a dance and starts blogging about kazoos.


You dont need a p.c just to hang around,
But if youve got a library, wont you lay your card down?
Over on the corner theres a happy noise.
People come from all around to watch the bloggin boy.

I ope to get some bloggin practice and learnin sumfin bou bloggin, aye, yeah.


  1. Welcome aboard - now, when you've done some of the other modules you'll be able to add a podcast of the music to your ditty.


  2. When you've recorded the song, I think a youtube video clip could also work well. Do it!

  3. And I am sure you can fit a mashup in there somewhere as well.

    Ellen (PLS)

  4. Cool blog! I will enjoy this one!
